The sounds are actually kinda off, especially the voice actor, but I do find it very poetic. Amazing creation, good animation, but.. I'm just missing the sound effects. And the voice. Do some improvements on that.
The sounds are actually kinda off, especially the voice actor, but I do find it very poetic. Amazing creation, good animation, but.. I'm just missing the sound effects. And the voice. Do some improvements on that.
Thanks for the critique. Sounds were definitely rushed due to time on my end, so they unfortunately took a quality hit. I did the voice work myself, its something I don't do often but want to try and improve at. But I do appreciate the feedback, helps me know where to look to improve.
It does have an ineteresting concept but... What the hell is this? I don't know what to say about this, but... Uh... It's not too good.
I kinda was going 4 metalocapse
Promising thumbnail, but it really showed me something that doesn't suffice most expectations. Combat in this animation is just too boring, and it needs a little bit more spice. And what's with the water elemental suddenly dying and turning into something darker? Terrible arrangement.
Hello Lathryn thank you for the comment, But this did not start off as such a big animation project. It was only going to be a test of the transformation of the water elemental to water. That is why she starts in the air. I'm going back to add a scene before this and after it. maybe that will fix some things. Finally the water elemental is not dead she passes out she was possessed by the dark elemental.
I thank you again for the comment and this was my first battle animation :D
Damn, this is good! I really liked how you animated this! If this was in a museum, it would be called art! Good work!!!!! EXCELLENT!!FDSEDASDBGgHGDFRFCbhFDasFWEDC
Thanks man! Means a lot!
Not too bad, I gotta say. It's rather well made for a 15 second flash animation, and I reckon that you can do a lot better. Even though it could use some polishing, it is pretty much acceptable. Good luck in the future! :)
lol i was too lazy to polish it. I did want to add another titan into but was too lazy. I'm not good at drawing yet. Thanks for you comment
Nothing much about me, just your regular game playing person. "We're all shooting stars. We fall down at some point, and when you make a wish, it comes true. We also shine extraordinarily bright, especially to our strengths." - Lathryn,
Age 24, Male
Harshly Unemployed
I Don't Know
Joined on 8/3/16