I didn't know you guys cared about me THAT much. Sweet!
I actually didn't really start off as someone who reviewed things, actually. I'm just that one guy, who played a game, wanted to make games, but then turned on to scriptures and drawing stuff. In fact, I might have the confidence to start posting my own art here on Newgrounds (It's nothing special, really. They're still basic stuff from a basic artist. No biggie).
This time, instead of me being the crazy critic that is extremely stern and the total sasquatch that I am to other creators, you guys can do the dirty honest talking to me, and I'll cry and I'll go sit in a corner with all my sadness :')
But, yeah. I'll be posting some artsy-stuff in around Mid Oktober or so. That's probably WHEN I actually have the guts to believe I have made something worthwhile to post on right here. Thanks for the constant little support, guys! I will see you all later! (Thanks again for 10 fans. Woohoo!! I'm really making a lot of headway XD)
P.S. I'm probably going to draw casual and in a very basic style, so I have no chance to digital gods like AlvinHew or Krinkles. Or even Matt Roszak (He's a good artist, trust me. He's also pretty funny (not to look at, though. Nobody is funny to look at. Not even clowns anymore. Not after that IT movie)).