Nothing much about me, just your regular game playing person. "We're all shooting stars. We fall down at some point, and when you make a wish, it comes true. We also shine extraordinarily bright, especially to our strengths." - Lathryn,

Age 24, Male

Harshly Unemployed


I Don't Know

Joined on 8/3/16

Exp Points:
1,107 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.27 votes
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Hey, I'm online again!

And here I am with another YEARLY update. Okay, I'll try my best to actually be more active on Newgrounds, so, bear with me.

Anyhow, it's the third year of game making school. Ideas came and went, performed somewhat well and everything, but, now, things are getting serious. Exams happened, and I am succeeding for a large part. Honestly, the teachers tell ghost stories of how exams goes down and how difficult it all is, but, incidentally, it's actually not as bad as most people think it is.

See, it's easy to get worried that you might end up failing, meaning you have to start the whole year over again. It's going to add up. But, the main thing that causes fear are internships.

In the third year, there is going to be 2 periods where you'll be working at a company as an intern. You get paid, or you don't, it doesn't matter, because you're not really there to get paid, but more to study away from school.

The tough part about these internships? Trying to get in. You need to show of your portfolio, and you usually do that on Artstation if you're an artist, because it's an easy portfolio website to use. And, the thing that worries me, and, I'm sure everyone else as well, is having a portfolio that will work. If you've got really good artworks, you won't have any problems, but I personally think that companies are looking for the best of the best, and I forget that they're willing to point me to the right direction, so, they'll cut some more slack.

Furthermore, I wanted to practice with swords. So, I bought a few wooden katana's and went to practice with it. I did have a lot of fun with these as a kid, but I figured it would be fun to have a few for practice. I do want to look into finding a teacher someday, but, for now, being self thought is enjoyable.

Christmas is also very close! I plan to buy my family a gift each. They have been buying me a lot of stuff for a large part of my life during Christmas, maybe it's just new socks, or some new toys I can mess around with (I still enjoy playing with toys, I know. I never seem to grow out of it :P)

Anyhow, that'll be all for the day. Maybe I'll update again a few weeks from now, when I have time, or when I want to be on Newgrounds more often.

And, in case you're curious about my Artstation, here you are:


I know, I have a pretty rare kind of name. But, you can call me Alan or something like that. I'll also throw it into my URL list.

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Recent Game Medals

4,135 Points

Stylin' 5 Points

Customized your character

Beat a Bot 5 Points

Won a game of single player

Welcome to Madness Roulette! 5 Points

Played the game for the first time

Gift Giver 5 Points

you gave tom your gift!

Four's a Crowd 25 Points

Win with four angry faces.

Research Stage 3 Complete 25 Points

complete Research Stage 3

Research Stage 2 Complete 10 Points

complete Research Stage 2

Research Stage 1 Complete 5 Points

complete Research Stage 1

The Tape 10 Points

Retrieve the tape from Felicity.

Revenge of dog 5 Points

Remembering something?